Born in 1984. Since 2008, he has contributed poems and essays to local magazines. He also began working as a journalist for 7Day News and Yangon Media Group. During the student protests in 2015, which called for educational reform, he participated in pro-democracy activism. After the coup, he was detained by the military due to their journalistic activities. After enduring torture at an interrogation facility, he was released two months later. He quickly fled to a town near the Thai border, where he continues to work as a journalist.

A journalist since 2011, he worked as a photo and video journalist, as well as an editor, in various media organizations before the coup. After the coup, he contributed as a photojournalist at Myanmar Labour News, focusing on democratic activities in Myanmar. Due to unjust arrest threats, he was forced to leave Myanmar for the Thai border area. During this time, he founded Justice Wave, a media organization shedding light on human rights violations, where he now works as an editor. They aim to amplify the voices of those affected by the military junta’s actions, including those who have been forced to flee their homeland.

Zin T (Zin Thuzar Myint), borin in 2002, is a university student from Mon State, transitioned into a CDM activist after the coup, actively participating in protests. Fleeing from Mon State to Lay Kay Kaw when the SAC attempted to arrest her, she found a turning point in her life. Joining Democratic TV, Zin Thuzar Myint spent two years gaining experience as a reporter, mastering shooting, scriptwriting, and editing. As a dedicated video journalist, she has published hundreds of stories documenting the violations during the Myanmar coup. Zin T's works stand as a testament to her commitment to truth and justice in the face of adversity.

Film director of documentaries and short narrative fictions. Born and raised in central Yangon. Trained as a graphic designer, he quickly adopted still photography as his primary medium. After working for the Myanmar Times' photojournalism desk, he added moving images and all aspects of film production to his mediums. .During the military coup, he was publishing photos and making short videos about mass unrest in Yangon. After 2023, he is based in Thailand, taking trips to document around heavy conflict zones, especially Northern West of Myanmar, Chin State, and the border are of Myanmar, covering untold stories.

Born in 1988. Work Experience Since February 2014, I have been working as a reporter for Thazin Pan Khaing Thin Journal. After that, Myanmar Now; BBC, DVB; Mizzima, 7 Day Frontier Myanmar; People's era Al Jazeera Freelance Photographer; i has also worked as a Rakhine correspondent and freelance writer for BBC Media Action.Now,I am Founder and Chief Editor for Border News Agency.

Born in 1986. He started his career in the media industry in 2012, initially contributing freelance news articles to various journals and newspapers. Over the years, He worked as a video journalist for some organizations such as MCN, DMG, and Hurman Color. Since 2020, he have been working as a video journalist at Mizzima News. After the military coup in 2021, he found himself featured on military propaganda television channels as he had been charged under section 505. However, he continue to write and produce news, and currently involved in capturing and presenting news stories from the front lines.

Born 1980. Experienced the student uprising as a youth and participated during the Saffron Revolution. Worked as a photojournalist through his reporting in the cyclone-affected areas of Nargis. After the coup, he participated in peaceful demonstrations in the towns, which led to him being chased by the military and he left the city where he was based. He then joined NUG's Public Voice TV to produce and publish satirical content against the coup. He also continues to work against the current violent politics with the resistance groups in his hometown as well as interviewing refugees on the border between India and Myanmar. He fled to Chin State after his family was taken away by police and military intelligence, and has taken refuge in Aizawl in Mizoram State in India.

Born in 1985, he has been working as a reporter, photojournalist, television reporter, editor, and producer for local news outlets since 2012. After the military coup in 2021, he co-founded an independent media organization. He is actively involved in reporting daily news, producing video news segments, creating satirical content, covering revolutionary activities, conducting interviews, and discussing socio-economic conditions in Myanmar.

Born in 1985, he has been working as a reporter, photojournalist, television reporter, editor, and producer for local news outlets since 2012. After the military coup in 2021, he co-founded an independent media organization. He is actively involved in reporting daily news, producing video news segments, creating satirical content, covering revolutionary activities, conducting interviews, and discussing socio-economic conditions in Myanmar.

Before the coup, she was a teacher at a public school in Myanmar. From that time onwards, she had a strong passion for films and worked hard at filmmaking during her breaks from work. Later, she set up his own film production company and directed mainly short films which won awards at film festivals and competitions in Myanmar. However, after the coup, she joined the CDM (Civil Disobedience Movement) and was charged with Criminal Code 505(A); after a year and a half of struggle, she escaped from arrest and decided to flee to Thailand to be reunited with her son; now in 2022, she is living in Mae Sot and working to create revolutionary films.

Born in 1980. He started working as a journalist in 2008 just after the Saffron Revolution, and was arrested in 2009 on charges of violating the Electronic Law. He was later released on amnesty in 2012 and in 2017 he set up Human Colour, an on-demand media organisation in Yangon that produces documentaries focusing on ethnic issues and various social problems with the aim of addressing the voices of ethnic minorities. Following the fighting in Laykaykaw, he escaped to a refugee camp and produced ' Some Pages From Lay Kay Kaw's Diary ', filming what happened during that time. He is currently living in Mae Sot.

Eunt Maw Oo worked as a journalist, news editor and video journalist in local news agencies such as The Voice Daily and The Myanmar Times from 2012 to 2020. From 2020, I worked as a freelance video journalist for BBC Media Action. During the 2020 General Election, I produced video documentaries together with Myanmar-based Japanese journalist Yuki Kitazumi. After the military coup in 2021,I worked as a freelance journalist and contributed to Al Jazeera, Korea MBC News and KBS World.

Filmmaker, born in 1998. Former student activist, detained and imprisoned during the education reform protests in 2015. After the coup, he joined protests in Yangon, but fled when the repression became too severe. While staying in the liberated district of Lay Kay Kaw in Karen State, he discovered its free atmosphere. When the national army invaded Lay Kay Kaw in 2021 and the city was engulfed in warfare, he escaped to Thailand. The Founder of the video production group “Premium Records”.

Director H, a journalist since 2006, performs as a pro-democracy activist after the military coup in Burma. She is consistently reporting the news and presenting short film works based on true stories of women and LGBTQs who have faced gender discrimination and sexual abuse. She is an award-winning filmmaker for her short film “Memoirs of a Reporter”, sponsored by USAID (CSM II), focusing on women who lost their husbands and sons in the Hpakhant Jade Mine Disaster.