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Films | 作品一覧
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Young people in Myanmar persist in protesting against the military coup. Nyi Min Thu, a student activist, was one of them. Despite knowing the dangers involved, his parents couldn't stop him, having been activists themselves in their youth. How will they cope with the loss of their son? They remember their beloved son.
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クーデターに抗議するため、職場を離れたCDM(市民不服従運動)の参加者たちは、軍による追跡や逮捕から逃れるために国境地帯へと避難した。それから2年以上が経過した頃、彼・彼女たちには、新たな職を見つけ、その生活を安定させることが重要な課題となっていた。国境地帯ではさまざまな人々と協力しあい、新しい仕事のためのスキルを学んでいる。「マザーズ・アーム 母の懐(腕)」は、市民不服従運動の参加者たちが新しい仕事を得る術を習得するための支援団体だ。このドキュメンタリーでは、市民不服従運動に参加した人々が取り組む手仕事の様子を映し出す。
CDM attendees who protested against the coup and did not go to work have fled to the border areas to escape pursuit and arrest by the military. More than two years after the military coup, it became critical for people CDM to find job opportunities and solve their livelihood difficulties. To this end, CDMs are connecting with organisations in the border areas and relearning various vocational skills." Mother's Arm is an organisation that promotes the acquisition of vocational skills for these people. The film presented the handicraft-making work of the CDMs working in Mothers' Arm.
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The Black Panther column of the PDF (Peoples Defence Force) which has been fighting the army for peace since the coup has built a school in one of the villages.The soldiers work with teachers who have joined the CDM (Civil Disobedience Movement) to teach their studies. Children who are still very young tell there stories of how their villages were attacked by the army. They are struggling to prepare food and stationery for their children and ensure their safety for their children's schools which are their hope for the future despite the many difficulties they face in the midst of war.
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Many of those who joined the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) have been forced to live away from Myanmar to escape the military. With her two daughters, she began life in neighbouring Thailand. What is life like as a mother away from her homeland? What will her two young daughters think when they leave Myanmar, where they are familiar with their school and friends? This short documentary listens to the 'voices' of a family of three, a mother and her daughters.
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Gigi, whose husband is a civil servant, had a peaceful life in her home country. Life had completely changed forever after the military coup in 2021. Her husband joined the CDM (Disobedience Movement) and fought against the military dictatorship. One day, plain-clothed police visited their home, and the family, sensing danger, left Myanmar to Thailand. What awaited them there was unfair treatment from the Thai police.
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The short film "Mommy The Journalist" recounts the story of a woman who, while pregnant, deftly evaded the military council's pursuit during her reporting in the midst of a revolution. She steadfastly wielded her journalistic pen throughout the revolution until the moment she gave birth. The film portrays the journey of a female journalist who, just 45 days after childbirth, left her home, seeking refuge in a foreign country while continuing to deliver pivotal revolutionary news to the public. It depicts her challenging passage through a forest with her day-old child and the arduous crossing of the Thaung Yin River. "Mommy The Journalist" is a narrative that emphasizes the importance of family safety and the unyielding pursuit of truth.
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To reveal the shocking impact of the Cyclone Mocha that has attacked Myanmar in May 2023, this film aims to shed light on the plight of Rohingya refugees, who endured the harshest consequences of the disaster. It seeks to raise global awareness about the systematic genocide perpetrated by the Myanmar military against the Rohingya community. Even in the face of natural disasters, the Rohingya have often been neglected, lacking the aid and relief they urgently need. The film's objective is to garner international attention and support for the Rohingya people.
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Aモン(A MON)と名乗る男性のレイエッゴン村は戦闘機による爆撃を受けた。クーデターから2年の月日が流れたとき、Aモンはペンを手に取り、ある詩を作って、読み上げる。「素手で掘った井戸(レイエッゴン)」と題されたその詩には、彼の村にクーデターがもたらした悲劇と、さまざまな思いが言葉となって語られる。
A The village of Lat Yet Gone where a man calls himself A MON was bombed by fighter jets. Two years after the coup, A MON reads a poem. The poem entitled 'Dug a Hole with Hand' tells in words the tragedy of the coup d'état and the many feelings it brought to his village.
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'New Myanmar Education' is a school for children who have no access to education due to the military coup. Teachers provide online classes for over 3,000 secondary and high school students. The young teacher who founded the school, Thet Htar Maung Maung Nyein was one of the participants in the revolution to gain the freedom. The film tells the story of one teacher's fight for the children of the future.
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Aye Ma Ma Myo, who was active as a member of parliament in Myanmar, was forced to flee the country due to the military coup that occurred in 2021. When she fled to a liberated area in the mountains and began working in a completely new environment, she tackles on the shortage of food supplies.
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As I first tuned into this song, its message resonated strongly about justice for the people of Burma/Myanmar. It unequivocally stands as an anthem expressing deep appreciation for the dedicated people's defense soldiers who valiantly stand on the front lines, fighting for the establishment of a federal democratic union and the pursuit of equality and justice.
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A man who escaped with his family to avoid military forced persecution used the little money on hand to buy a fish net. Unable to get work in the refugee area, he set his nets in the river to fish to survive. In Chin State western Myanmar, a massive military crackdown took place and many houses and villages in the demilitarised zone were burnt down. He and his family, who were farmers have been forced to leave their villages where they have livestock and homes, and are now forced to live in desperate need of 'peace'. What are coups and violence taking away from innocent people? One fisherman's voice tells of the urgent situation.
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A music video for 'Fascist Elections' by Novem Htoo, musician. The military, which provoked the coup, controls various political systems, including elections or the legal system, in a violently unjust way. The music video shows scenes that remind us of the 'facade election' planned by the Myanmar junta in August 2023. Many actual images that symbolise the injustice and discord surrounding the military coup d'état. With a heavy soundtrack, the song states: 'Use your brains and be prepared!' Stand by the citizens!"" The powerful messages come through.
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One day, as I opened the door to my familiar home, an unexpected sight was in front of me. The room lay in ruins, and panic immediately overwhelmed me, urging me to flee. However, in that very moment, a pair of hands reached out to me, offering salvation- This short animated film draws inspiration from the true experience of an individual who discovered hope amid the depths of despair during a coup d'état.
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